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介绍:由大卫·尼科尔斯根据他的同名畅销小说改编的bbcone的四集电视剧《美国谍影》已经开拍汤姆·霍兰德(巴普蒂斯特,晚上经理)将加入了Saskia李维斯(路德,设得兰群岛),苏菲抓住øl(杀戮、坚毅),汤姆·泰勒(医生培养,《黑暗塔),伊恩•德Caestecker (S.H.I.E.L.D代理,褪色)和Thaddea格雷厄姆(宵禁,国王的信),由莎拉·克洛铸造。它是由戏剧共和国和舞台制作。道格拉斯•彼得森(汤姆•霍兰德饰)的妻子康妮(萨斯基亚•里维斯饰)对他说,她不确定是否还想再和他结婚,他对此毫无反应。道格拉斯同意继续他们计划中的欧洲之旅,并发誓要赢回妻子的爱,并修复他和儿子阿尔比(汤姆·泰勒饰)的关系。大卫·尼科尔斯将幽默与心碎融合在一起,《美国偶像》将彼得森夫妇凄美而又欢乐的故事演绎得栩栩如生,带着观众们一起游览世界上最美丽的一些城市,这是他们一生难得的一次旅行。大卫·尼科尔斯说:“看到小说成真是一件非常激动人心的事,有这么好的演员和制作团队。我们想做一些有趣、感人、美丽的东西,来真正探索婚姻和家庭生活,所有这些都是在这个不可思议的背景下进行的。Tom Hollander和Hannah Pescod说:“我们很高兴能与Drama Republic和伟大的David Nicholls合作,将他美丽的小说带到bbcone。”彼得森一家的审判将会引起很多人的共鸣——这是我们这个时代的一个家庭故事。BBC戏剧总监皮尔斯·温格说:“我们感到非常荣幸能把大卫的这部美丽的小说带到BBC一台,并让才华横溢的汤姆·霍兰德和萨斯基亚·里维斯扮演主要角色。”我们很高兴能再次与David和戏剧共和国合作,也很高兴与Bandstand Productions为BBC制作的首演剧合作。剧情片《共和》的执行制片人格雷格·布伦曼和罗安娜·本说:“大卫·尼科尔斯是一个独特而罕见的人才,他奇迹般地将深沉的情感与全面的幽默交织在一起。”这个光荣的适应吸引了一个出色的演员汤姆·霍兰德Saskia李维斯和苏菲Grabøl。要开始拍摄了,我们兴奋极了。《美国》执行制片人是格雷格·布伦曼(Greg Brenman)和罗安娜·本(Roanna Benn),《舞台制作》(Bandstand Productions)执行制片人汤姆·霍兰德(Tom Hollander)和汉娜·佩斯科(Hannah Pescod), bbcone执行制片人乔·麦克莱伦(Jo McClellan),以及大卫·尼科尔斯(David Nicholls)。该片由丽莎·西维(Lisa Siwe, Temple, Modus)执导,由英国广播公司(BBC)工作室在全球发行。电影将在伦敦、阿姆斯特丹、威尼斯、巴塞罗那和巴黎拍摄。

    我们 2020完结









      介绍:Filming has begun for Us, BBC One’s four-part drama adapted by David Nicholls from his hugely popular novel of the same name. Tom Hollander (Baptiste, The Night Manager) will be joined by Saskia Reeves (Luther, Shetland), Sofie Gråbøl (The Killing, Fortitude), Tom Taylor (Doctor Foster, The Dark Tower), Iain De Caestecker (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, The Fades) and Thaddea Graham (Curfew, The Letter for the King), with casting by Sarah Crowe. It is produced by Drama Republic and Bandstand Productions. Douglas Petersen (Tom Hollander) is blindsided when his wife Connie (Saskia Reeves) tells him that she’s not sure she wants to be married to him anymore. Agreeing to still go on their planned family grand tour of Europe, Douglas vows to win back the love of his wife and repair his troubled relationship with their son Albie (Tom Taylor). Reflecting David Nicholls' signature mix of humour and heartbreak, Us brings the Petersens' poignant and often hilarious story to life, taking viewers with them on their once-in-a-lifetime journey through some of the most beautiful cities in the world. David Nicholls says: “It’s a huge thrill to see the novel come to life, and with such a wonderful cast and production team. We want to make something funny, touching and beautiful, to really explore marriage and family life, all against this incredible backdrop.” Tom Hollander and Hannah Pescod say: “We are delighted to be working with Drama Republic and the great David Nicholls in bringing his beautiful novel to BBC One. The trials of the Petersens will strike a chord with many - a family tale for our times.” Piers Wenger, Controller of BBC Drama, says: “We feel so honoured to be bringing David’s beautiful novel to BBC One and to have the brilliant Tom Hollander and Saskia Reeves playing the leading roles. We are thrilled to work with David and Drama Republic once again and also with Bandstand Productions on their debut drama for the BBC.” Greg Brenman and Roanna Benn, Executive Producers for Drama Republic, say: “David Nicholls is a unique and rare talent who miraculously manages to intertwine profound emotion with full-on humour. This glorious adaptation has attracted an exceptional cast in Tom Hollander, Saskia Reeves and Sofie Gråbøl. We couldn’t be more excited to begin filming.” Us is executive produced by Greg Brenman and Roanna Benn for Drama Republic, Tom Hollander and Hannah Pescod for Bandstand Productions, Jo McClellan for BBC One and David Nicholls. It is directed by Lisa Siwe (Temple, Modus) and distributed internationally by BBC Studios. Filming will take place in London, Amsterdam, Venice, Barcelona and Paris.





        介绍:Drowning in debt, unemployed boxer Jorge is on the verge of losing his young son and his Brazilian wife. He is one of shocking amounts of Portuguese families and companies unable to repay their loans in the time of European troika bailout measures. Jorge needs to pay off his debts and convince his unhappy wife to not leave Portugal to make a living. Due to his intimidating physique, Jorge must reluctantly accept a job with a collection agency which drags him into a world of violence and crime...





          介绍:Two actresses and politician traveling and staying in the same hotel, but each has a distinct purpose.